
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

From Provo to Paris

From Provo to Paris

We made it to Paris!

After many sleepless nights and anxiety-filled talks with girlfriends, Ralph ended up being the easiest kid ever on the flight (I'm guessing partially due to the fever he woke up with on the day of travel). I can't believe what a breeze that was. Like mentioned in a previous post, we opted not to buy him a seat on the airplane because he's under two, and we are doing this sabbatical on a tight budget. 

There were two legs on the flight: SLC>CHI (3 hours) then CHI>Paris (an 8 hour a redeye). When we got to SLC we asked the gate agent if there were three open seats together we could be moved to (in hopes of scoring an open seat for Ralph). They weren't sure, but it was looking pretty good. When we got to Chicago they confirmed that we could get an open seat- so just like that, Ralph scored his own seat. Last minute before we left Utah, we decided to bring along a car seat (which initially we thought we were going to rent one for our car journeys- we already have so much stuff). We brought the car seat onto the plane and it went so smoothly. Having his car seat on the plane helped us big time. 

Dustin and I had mentally prepared ourselves for the worst day of our lives (we have had one really tough flight with Ralph where he screamed on a redeye from NYC and Dustin ended up standing for 6 hours). And I still can't believe how well it went. 

We had prepared with lots of shows (I have never loved Moana more), movies, snacks and mentally got ourselves into the space where if the worst case scenario happened (screaming the entire time) we knew it would eventually be over.

Also, this post by Amber Fillerup helped me realize that the flight wasn't just about me and my anxiety- but it was about Ralph and his experience too. That change in attitude was big for me (I hate when things are out of my control) and I started to follow his rhythms/his lead. Due to the fever I feel like I did get a "get out of jail free" card, but we will be doing a lot more moving around so I'll share the tips I learn along the way. 



We are so excited to be in Paris and have already learned a thing or two about traveling with a toddler:

1. They really do need their naps. For Ralph, a stroller nap won't cut it :( The upside of having nap time? We are exhausted as well and catch ourselves dozing off during nap time. I love a guilt-free nap. Plus, it is a good time to catch up on other planning and work. 

2. Sitting in a stroller for a long time sucks, which is why we decided we need to let him play more. At home Ralph goes to the gym daycare (where there are jungle gyms galore) and runs around for a solid hour. That plus at home he runs around all day. We're starting to feel guilty about his lack of running around and have decided we need to do less, so he can play more. We take him to the playground. Yep, we're paying a premium for playgrounds in Paris, but things change when you are a parent. 

3. I don't know how to use European washers/dryers/stovetops. Which is equal parts funny and frustrating. We have ruined 3 of Ralph's outfits already. Sorry, bud. 

4. I don't know if this is a thing- but eating. He has been more picky here than at home. Maybe it's all the changes, or the jet lag, but the grocery store has come in clutch here in Paris. Especially because we haven't seen anyone eating out with toddlers. GO GROCERY SHOPPING. It saves money, and keeps your kid eating. 

5. It's more enjoyable than I would have thought. Seeing your child experience things makes you go at a slower pace. I haaaaate slow pace/slow people/slow everything. But somehow it's magically not annoying when it is your kid that needs to take a break from the stroller. We're experiencing such a different Paris than I ever have before. We went to the zoo today :)

We're off to Zermatt next- and DRIVING there (gasp!) stay tuned :)

ALL of our stuff!

ALL of our stuff!

10 things to do with a toddler, Paris edition!

10 things to do with a toddler, Paris edition!

money, money, money

money, money, money